NJ License Restoration and Fee Payment: Guide

This is a complete guide on NJ License Restoration. It is a fairly straightforward process, you just have to follow this guide and you will have your driving license restored in no time at all.

Before proceeding to the restoration process, you need to make sure what the status of your driving license is. This is done because the process of restoration of a suspended driving license and an expired driving license is handled by different offices and they have entirely different processes that you need to go through.

What causes Driving License Suspension in NJ

The most common reason why residents of New Jersey might have their driving license suspended is because of crossing the points threshold on their driving license. In New Jersey, if you are found guilty of a traffic or a parking violation, you will have a certain number of points added to your driving license. These points stay on your record for a period of 3 years from the day they were added. If in this time period the total number of points on your driving license crosses 6 then your license will be suspended by the NJ Municipal court.

The user of this driving license will not be able to request restoration for a certain period of time. They also need to pay an extra surcharge and a restoration fee at the time of restoration. They will also need to clear all their pending tickets and surcharge that is due to NJ MVC before they can request the restoration process. If the person does not pay their surcharge and pending tickets, their license might get canceled after a certain period of time.

Steps to Get Back NJ License

In order to restore your driving license, you need to make sure what the status of your driving license is. To get more information about your driving license, you can call the Motor Vehicle Commission of New Jersey at the number given below and enquire about your driving license.

  • (609) 292-6500
  • 1-888-4863339 (Toll-Free)

You can ask for all the details about your driving license record and the status of your license from the MVC office. They have a record of all the driving license holders and residents of New Jersey. You will need to have some important information ready in order to process the restoration process of your driving license so keep a notebook handy to write the information down when you are calling the NJ MVC office. To give you a better idea of what to ask the MVC office, take a look at the following list of questions. You can ask these questions from them to have all the details you need to initiate the restoration process, take a look.

  • How much time is left till you can request restoration of your DL?
  • Do you have to pay any surcharge for the restoration?
  • If the answer to the previous question is yes, enquire about the amount of surcharge you have to pay.
  • Enquire about whether or not you need to go through any restoration program designed by the MVC before the restoration of your DL. These courses are mandatory if your license was suspended because of drunk or aggressive driving.

If you have to pay any surcharge amount, you can do so from the comfort of your home using NJSurcharge.com’s online payment portal. If you find out that your DL was suspended by the Municipal Court of New Jersey then you will need to contact the NJMVC customer service office and get your details from there. The NJ MVC will charge a $15 fee to mail these details to your address if you wish to get a copy.

NJ License Restoration and Fee Payment

How to Pay the NJ License Restoration Fee?

The restoration fee can be submitted through online payments and offline modes. The restoration fee in New Jersey is $100 for online as well as offline processes. Follow the steps given below in their respective order to pay your NJ Licence Restoration fee through the online process.

  • Visit the NJ MVC online payment portal.
  • Enter the required details in their respective columns. The details you need to provide include the following.
  1. Your Social Security Number.
  2. Area Zipcode which needs to be the same as in your DL.
  3. Driving License number without any punctuation.
  4. Your payment information (credit/debit card).


You can also pay the restoration fee offline. You will need to drive down to the local MVC office and submit the amount through cash or cheque. You will also need to provide all the required details to them.

In case you want to pay your driving license restoration fee in New Jersey through money order, send the payment to the address given below along with all the information related to your driving license which is mentioned above for the online method.

  • New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, P.O. Box 140, Trenton, NJ 0850-0140

Conclusion: NJ License Restoration

This was our complete guide on how to Restore your NJ Driving License and how to pay the Driving Licence Restoration fee in New Jersey. This is a fairly simple process, all you need to do is find the details about your driving license and pay all the pending tickets and surcharge amount before requesting the restoration. If you have any questions regarding any step of this whole process, use the comment section below to reach out to us with your questions and we will be more than happy to help you with the right answers.

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